We see the importance of strong networks underscored daily, and are proud of our professional associations. Each one makes our work more effective and enjoyable.
Professional Advisors

Our clients have independent relationships with their preferred investment, accounting, and legal advisors. GMA has developed trusting relationships with these providers. We serve as a knowledgeable resource and manage the information interface for our shared clients.
In addition to providing a full range of services, GMA will work directly with a client’s CPA to ensure timely and accurate tax filings, and with their investment advisor to ensure the board has up-to-date reports.
Nonprofit Organizations

At the very heart of what we do are the nonprofit organizations that share our clients’ vision for a better world and, every day, set out to realize that vision. We are in regular contact with nonprofit leaders from communities across the country, listening to their plans, asking rigorous questions, and learning from their experiences.
As staff to grantmakers representing more than 2,000 grants each year, much of our interaction with nonprofits is rooted in analysis of funding ideas and initiatives. We maintain relationships with nonprofit leaders in our clients’ areas of interest through other means, including the NPO Conversations we host here at GMA.
Our clients’ impact is top of mind as we consider the challenges of our times and the continuously evolving models for creating social change.
Funders and Field Resources

We rely on our relationships with other funders, with community foundations, with funder collaboratives, and with learning groups to tackle complex issues and create stronger communities.