Request for Proposals from GMA’s 17/25 Fund for Young Adults


Purpose of this Request for Proposals

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to invite nonprofit entities to submit applications for funding from the 17/25 Fund for Young Adults. Through this grant program, the Fund anticipates awarding grants to two organizations to support young adult participants in their workforce development programs with monthly direct cash payments. 

Background on the 17/25 Fund for Young Adults

People ages 17 to 25GMA Foundations, the philanthropic advisory firm, introduced the 17/25 Fund for Young Adults in 2023 with the support of its fiscal sponsor, the philanthropic membership organization Philanthropy Massachusetts. The Fund is a pooled giving and learning experience aiming to identify innovative and effective strategies for supporting young adults in Greater Boston and Gateway Cities through their transitional years. As this age group has received proportionately little philanthropic investment, the Fund believes it requires resources, supportive relationships, and opportunities so every young adult may reach their potential.

In 2023-24, the Fund explored the impact of direct cash payments for young adults. Starting in January 2025, the Fund will further focus its learning and grantmaking on how direct cash payments can power success specifically for young people participating in workforce development programs.

The fundamental philosophy behind direct cash transfers is a belief that people should be trusted to make decisions for themselves. There is a long history demonstrating how large-scale cash assistance programs in the U.S. have created positive outcomes for individuals, and we seek to continue adding to this positive groundswell.

There will be an optional Q&A session on February 12, where every one is welcome to ask questions. See registration information at the bottom of RFP.


  • RFP online portal opens                     January 15, 2025
  • Q&A session (optional)                       February 12, 2025 at 11AM on Teams
  • RFP submission deadline                   March 3, 2025
  • Proposal review                                   March 4 – April 5, 2025
  • Finalists notified                                  April 8, 2025
  • Finalists present to the Fund              April 17, 2025
  • Finalists awarded                                May 2025


Organizations that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply for a single grant to support participants in their workforce development program. If an organization operates multiple workforce development programs, it may apply for only one grant to benefit participants in a specific program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Located in the Greater Boston Area (east of RTE 128)
  • Offers a workforce development program that specifically targets or works heavily with youth ages 18-25
  • Has the ability to distribute direct cash payments to participants for 12+ months*

*The Fund does not expect the organization’s workforce development program to run for 12+ months; however, the Fund does require organizations to have the ability to continue distributing direct cash payments to participants after the program concludes and if a selected participant does not complete the program, to honor the philosophy of guaranteed income.

Grants Program

Through this program, the Fund anticipates awarding grants of $90,000 to two organizations to support participants in a workforce development program with monthly direct cash payments for at least 12 months. Awarded grantee organizations can determine how many participants they want to include in their cohort, how much participants will receive each month, and for how long they will disburse the funds with the minimum amount being 12 months. Grantee organizations will receive all awarded funds in May 2025. Awarded grantee organizations have the option of taking up to five percent of the total awarded amount to help administer the workforce development program and manage the direct cash payments. The application will ask for a budget narrative, and applicants are welcome to upload a program budget if they wish.

The Fund requires grantee organizations to submit reports on activities under the grant funding at six-month intervals for the duration of the grant. Grantee organizations will also meet with the Fund to discuss their progress approximately six months after receiving their award.

 Selection Criteria

  • Preference will be given to organizations that already have the infrastructure in place to disburse direct cash to participants
  • Preference will be given to organizations that have proven results in its workforce development program graduates obtaining jobs that provide a living wage


To apply for a grant, register and/or login to GMA Foundation’s online application system. Please use the access code “17/25” to access the application.


  • Rachel Rifkin at with questions about this RFP.
  • Pailey Feakes at with technical questions about the application system, or if you would like to register for the optional Q&A session on February 12, 2025 at 11AM on Teams.