Does your nonprofit organization’s financial sustainability model include earned income? Is the venture generating revenue central to your core social mission? Are the people involved in the enterprise also members of the population you serve? If you are nodding yes, we are interested in learning more about your work.
Entrepreneurial and Not-for-Profit
GMA is extending this invitation to lunch on Tuesday, July 24 to Directors of nonprofit organizations with earned income from activity that is central to their social purpose. As staff to grantmakers, we are interested in hearing your thoughts on the convergence of social and financial purpose. Our informal conversation will be guided by several key questions, including:
- What is the balance between earned income and charitable donations that is right for your organization’s strategy?
- How do you divide your efforts between serving a population and generating a profit? What are the mission-related benefits of doing both?
- From a management perspective, how do you analyze your revenue and costs, to give you knowledge of what activities are profitable, breakeven, or need subsidy?
- How do you represent revenue-generating activities to prospective funders? What would you tell funders who ask, ‘why do they need us?’
- If you generate reserves, what do you do with the funds?
Come share your experiences, your ideas, and your own questions.
GMA’s Amy Segal Shorey and Alfonso Perillo will moderate the discussion which is open to the Executive Director or director of a major program for a local nonprofit – which engages its beneficiary-population in income-generating activity.
Registration is required for this NPO Conversation at GMA’s office on the 5th floor at 2 Liberty Square (entrance on Kilby at Milk Street) on Tuesday, July 24 from 12n to 1:30pm. GMA will provide lunch.

Space is limited. To register, please contact Judy Sneath, by July 17.
Thank you for your interest.
GMA’s NPO Conversation on nonprofits generating revenue along with social impact is one of an annual 3-part series; for other topics and dates click here.