GMA has been exploring apt funder approaches to helping the most vulnerable among us during the COVID-19 global public health crisis. We have spoken with foundation trustees, community foundation staff, nonprofit leaders, experts, and affinity-group members and staff, and are grateful for their insight on crisis funding.
The availability of related information, resources, and special funds can be both informative and overwhelming. We would be glad to point you to specific funds, advisories, or groups that align with your interests or geographic focus. GMA is updating this list periodically.
National Affinity Groups
Council on Foundations’ COVID-19 Resource Hub includes news related to the coronavirus outbreak, a calendar of funder events, and links to response funds across the USA and world. Find useful templates, including a sample agreement for converting project grants to general operating support.
Exponent Philanthropy’COVID-19 Resources for Lean Funders includes links to virtual roundtable discussions for all lean funders to connect; held every Friday for now.
The National Center for Family Philanthropy’s Leadership in Difficult Times is a guide to short-term responses to the COVID-19 and economic crises. NCFP and Giving Compass are working together to maintain a comprehensive list of COVID-19 Relief Funds.
Candid. is tracking philanthropic responses to COVID-19 around the world, including a wide array of funding opportunities.
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy offers updates on the COVID-19 crisis globally, analysis of critical needs for funders, and a fund for collective giving.
The National Council of Nonprofits has collected information and resources for nonprofits, and links to state-specific information.
New England Affinity Groups and Response Funds
Philanthropy Massachusetts’ Funding and Resources in Response to COVID-19 is a comprehensive, statewide list, with descriptions of the available funds, including three large Boston-area funds:
- The emphasis of the Boston Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund is on the health of grantee organizations, providing general operating support.
- The City of Boston’s Resiliency Fund aims to disperse $20 million for the immediate needs of public-school students and people who are homeless, and for critical childcare for first responders.
- The COVID-19 Family Support Fund at the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley will also provide emergency financial assistance for basic needs – food, childcare, housing.
Philanthropy MA is hosting frequent virtual ’round-table’ sessions to connect funders with one another; refer to the #PhilMA event calendar for dates.
The Rhode Island Foundation and United Way of Rhode Island have created a COVID-19 Response Fund to support nonprofits providing crucial services to people across the state.
The New England International Donors’ COVID-19 International Resources is a collection of articles and resources to help funders respond globally.
Mass Nonprofit Network and Philanthropy Massachusetts conducted a Flash Poll of nonprofits of all sizes across Massachusetts; their report summarizing close to 1,000 responses is here. Ninety percent of MA nonprofits have or will have loss of revenue from cancelled events and fundraisers. Sixty-seven percent report a disruption in their services to clients and communities. The poll remains open for responses, as the organizations track trends in this evolving environment.
Articles from the Field
A ‘New New Normal’ for Foundation Giving: 3 Acts That Will Make a Difference March 20, 2020 – The Chronicle of Philanthropy article by Antony Bugg-Levine, chief executive of the Nonprofit Finance Fund
Supporting Our Grantee Partners in the Era of COVID-19 March 16, 2020 – Robert Sterling Clark Foundation blog post by Lisa Pilar Cowan, Vice President
What Philanthropy Can Do Today to Support Grantees through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis March 17, 2020 -The Bridgespan Group blog post by Betsy Doyle, Michael Etzel, Peter Kim
Please share additional resources for this list via email to jsneath@gmafoundations.com