Forty eight years after the inaugural Earth Day celebration on April 22, 1970, Americans’ concern for the planet’s health persists. Recently we have noticed new organizations joining the environmental movement. Admittedly, our sense of what constitutes environmental action is pretty expansive.
Voices for the Environment
We are inviting environment-facing nonprofit organizations formed in the past decade to join us for lunch and informal conversation. As staff to funders and as humans, we have questions. Here are a few we’ll try to cover at our upcoming NPO Conversation:
- What was missing in the field of environmental advocacy that motivated your organization to step up? What are you doing differently than the more established organizations?
- How are you, as a new voice, reshaping the conversation about the environment? What are you seeing as you have ventured forth? What do you hope to see?
- Have you come upon entrenched political interests? What skills and capacity do you need to challenge organizations that have strong legal, technical, and financial capacity?
- How are you engaging communities that have been left out of the environmental movement?
- How do you, should we, develop new leaders?
Come share your experiences, your ideas, and your own questions.
GMA’s Prentice Zinn will moderate the discussion which is open to the Executive Director or director of a major program for a Boston-area nonprofit – which was formed in the past 10 years.
We will meet at GMA’s new office on the 5th floor at 2 Liberty Square (entrance on Kilby at Milk Street) on Wednesday, April 25 from 12n to 1:30pm. GMA will provide lunch.

Space is limited. To register, please contact Judy Sneath via jsneath@gmafoundations.com by April 19.
Thank you for your interest.
GMA’s NPO Conversation on new voices taking environmental action is one of an annual 3-part series; for other topics and dates click here.